Keep the clutter contained with these handy trays - perfect for the handy person in your life!
The tray's stitch in 3 color stops on cork or vinyl fabric with between 4000 and 6000 stitches each. When the stitching is complete, cut them out, fold the sides, and attach rivets or Kam snaps to fasten them into shape.
They come in 4 sizes with the following file dimensions and they can be purchases individually or as a set of all four sizes (select the hoop size above):
5x7 hoop - 5" x 6.1" (128mm x 155mm)
6x10 hoop - 5.9" x 7.1" (149mm x 181mm)
7x11 hoop - 7" x 8.2" (177mm x 209mm)
8x10 hoop - 7.8" x 9.3" (199mm x 235mm)
Please note that these are not finished products, they are machine embroidery files and an embroidery machine is needed to stitch them out. Some of the designs used in this set were created from purchased licensed clipart.