Something fun for the little one's! Have your kids decorate their own Easter tree with this little set of color-your-own eggs. There are 16 different egg designs in the set and they stitch super quick, 4 eggs at a time in the 5x7 hoop. Throw a few in your purse with some markers and when the little one's are restless, give them an egg or two to color.
Each hooping contains 4 different eggs and has less than 3,700 stitches so they are super quick to stitch and stuff. When finished and stuffed they are roughly the same size as a large egg. They can be made with regular cotton, polyester, lightweight twill, or even t-shirt material for a slightly larger, rounder egg. Test your markers first to make sure they will work on your chosen fabric. (Several of the egg designs are purchased clipart).
This set has been updated to include two versions - one version has a gap in the stitches to turn and stuff the eggs, then hand sew the gap closed; the second version doesn't have a gap, instead a small slit is made in the back to turn and stuff then the slit is either hand-stitched closed or a small patch or flower is put over the hole with fusible web or glue.
Please note these are machine embroidery in the hoop (ITH) designs, not sewing patterns, and they can only be used with an embroidery machine.