The perfect basket for gift-giving! There are four different basket sizes to fit a variety of gift options such as homemade cookies for a neighbor or friend or dog treats for for your dog-walker/groomer. The set also includes 3 handle and tab designs.
A link to a 20-minute video tutorial is included in the instruction pdf. The video walks through the stitching of the baskets, assembly, and adding the optional tabs and handles.
The baskets feature a cork or vinyl tag "made with love" but you can replace the words on the tag with a monogram or small design from your stash.
Each basket is completed in a single hooping with no additional sewing - the process uses the stitch-and-flip method so you don't need to remove the hoop except once to trim the "with love" tab applique and once to lay the lining fabric on top of the hoop.
When the stitching is finished, open them up, add the fusible stabilizer, fuse it to the sides with your iron, and the basket is done! The basket uses fusible stabilizer such as Pellon Peltex or Decovil Heavy which is fused in place to hold its shape. You can also add cork or vinyl handles to the basket which are riveted in place. The set includes small and large top handles, side handles and tabs.
They are stitched using two pieces of quilters weight cotton in 11 color stops with between 2100 and 3100 stitches each. After the bag is stitched, it is unfolded into shape, the stabilizer is ironed on, and it is complete.
You can purchase the full set or select only the two smaller or two larger sizes by selecting the one you want in the drop-down menu above.
Design Sizes:
Basket 1 (5x7 hoop) file size = 4.6” x 7” / 117mm x 178mm (2100 stitches)
- finished assembled measurements = 3.5" wide x 3" deep x 3" tall
Basket 2 (6x10 hoop) file size = 5.3” x 9.4” / 134mm x 239mm (2500 stitches)
- finished assembled measurements = 5" wide x 4" deep x 3.5" tall
Basket 3 (7x12 hoop) file size = 6.4” x 11.5” / 162mm x 292mm (2800 stitches)
- finished assembled measurements = 6" wide x 5" deep x 4.5" tall
Basket 4 (8x14 hoop) file size = 6.9” x 13.6” / 175mm x 345mm (3100 stitches)
- finished assembled measurements = 7" wide x 6" deep x 5" tall
Please note that these are not finished products, they are machine embroidery files and an embroidery machine is needed to stitch them out. Some of the designs used in this set were created from purchased licensed clipart.